5 Tips for Recruiting College Grads

As one of South Florida’s leading staffing services firms, Future Force knows that by now you’ve likely received your share of resumes from recent college graduates. While you might be looking for those with more experience, attracting and recruiting new and fresh talent is key to successful business growth.

Not only do new college graduates have different perspectives and updated skill sets, but they’re often eager to learn and willing to go the extra mile to prove their worth. To help you recruit and hire this enthusiastic bunch, here are a few tips:

Tip #1: Create an Engaging Employer Brand

Whether you’re online on social media sites or on campus at job and internship fairs, your employer brand should communicate effectively to new college grads who your company is and why they should want to work for you.

Tip #2: Offer Advancement Opportunities

Today’s college grads know that education doesn’t stop once they’ve earned their degrees. They want to work at organizations that will invest in their development, offer opportunities for them to learn and grow…and then enable them to make an impact on the company bottom line.

Tip #3: Provide Challenging Work

Sure, most people’s first job out of college won’t be their ideal. However, that doesn’t mean you should assign only the grunt work to the newbies. Make sure you counter repetitious work with projects that will engage and challenge new college grads.

Tip #4: Invest in Technology

Today’s recent college graduates grew up with laptops and using the Internet. They don’t remember the days when pen and paper were the norm, rather then texting and email. In order to appeal to this savvy group, your company must offer a modern setting with the latest technology and tools.

Tip #5: Partner With Local Colleges & Universities

When you have partnerships with these organizations, you can learn about the best candidates for your company. You can also promote your employer brand to the next generation of potential workers.

Need help recruiting fresh talent for your company? Call Future Force. As one of South Florida’s leading staffing services firms, we can handle the sourcing, interviewing, testing, and evaluating – all so you can make great hiring decisions. Contact Future Force today to learn more.