Should I Cold-Call Employers?

The simple answer: No.

Most employers will not appreciate it if you start cold-calling them and inquiring about jobs in Miami Lakes.


If they have a position you’re a good fit for, then they’ll advertise it. If you’re sincerely interested in working for a particular company, then network with those who already work there or know someone who does and ask about any upcoming openings and what it takes to get hired.

But if you do start cold-calling employers? You’re likely only going to annoy them.

Consider this: There are hundreds of job seekers out there. If every single one started calling on companies, employers would be fielding countless calls all day, every day. Companies are impressed with persistence, but not when it comes in the form of trying to force your way in the door.

Even if you are able to connect with someone who’s open to hearing your pitch, they’re going to tell you to go the company website and search for job openings there. In that way, you’re not only wasting their time, but yours as well when you could instead be putting your efforts into a more effective way to search.

That said, what if there’s a company you are desperate to work for and they don’t have any openings?

Find out who the hiring manager is for the department you’re interested in and send them an email. The body of your email should consist of a strong, compelling letter about why you want to work for the company and your resume should be attached.

In the meantime, be sure to go the old-fashioned route of searching out advertised job openings that are a good fit for you.

That also means working to create a strong resume and cover letter that explains why you’re interested in each job you apply for. Employers are looking for qualified candidates who are a good fit for their open positions; not the loudest or most persistent person calling them out of the blue.

Also, make sure you’re investing time and effort into networking.

Many positions aren’t even advertised and are filled through word of mouth. You don’t want to miss out on a potentially great job because you didn’t network enough or at all!

Do you need more help finding jobs in Miami Lakes? Call Future Force. As a one of the most experienced employment agencies in the area, we can connect you with top employers – and top jobs in and around Miami Lakes.

Contact us today to learn more.