Job Search Not Working? Here’s Why

Getting a job sounds easy in theory. In reality, though, it can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. So if you’ve been searching for a new job for a while, without good results, what can you do about it? Well, as one of the leading employment agencies in South Florida, Future Force knows there could be a few reasons your search isn’t going as planned. Here’s a look at them and what to do about each:

You don’t have a clear focus.

If you’re applying to every job opening that sounds good – without really considering whether you’re the right fit – then you’re wasting the hiring manager’s time and your own. This isn’t the way to search for a job. Rather, you need a specific focus. That means identifying the kinds of jobs you’re qualified for, as well as the companies you’re most interested in.

You don’t have a strong resume and cover letter.

If you’re sending in a cookie cutter resume, or a boilerplate cover letter, it’s not going to stand out to a hiring manager. Instead, you need to invest the time in creating a resume that really speaks to your experience, skills and accomplishments.

In addition, your cover letter should share with hiring managers why you want to work for their companies and what you can offer them. That’s not something you can copy and paste from the web.

Likewise, even if you’re submitting a resume online, don’t skip the cover letter. Job candidates who send in targeted, well-written letters will get noticed over those who don’t.

You’re not highlighting achievements.

Sure, it’s important to talk about the tasks and projects you’ve been responsible for in past and current positions. But hiring managers want more than that. They want to know the impact you’ve had – and how it’s helped the company succeed. You can explain it through sharing specific and quantifiable accomplishments.

You’re not investing enough time in your search.

If you’re procrastinating when it comes to applying, or aren’t investing a lot of time in your effort, then you’re not going to see good results. It’s a competitive job market out there and those who apply quickly to openings, and spend the time it takes to research opportunities, network to learn about new possibilities, and enhance their skills so they’re more marketable are much more likely to find a job, faster.

If you’re ready for expert help and guidance with your job search, give Future Force a call. As one of the leading employment agencies in South Florida, we know what hiring managers are on the lookout for and can connect you with top jobs in the area. If you’re job searching and need help, contact us today to get started or search our South Florida jobs now.