4 Steps to Take When You’re Ready to Quit

You’ve found a new job, or you’ve finally made the decision to resign. Whatever the case, it’s a sensitive situation and you need to handle it appropriately. If you don’t, you could wind up burning bridges that will impact your future career success. So if you’re ready to call it quits – where do you begin? Here are some steps to get you started:

Step #1: Connect with your boss.

As one of Dade County’s top employment agencies, Future Force knows it’s never a good idea to resign via text or email, or by calling in Monday morning and informing your boss that you quit. It might be tempting, but it’s not going to make a good impression.

Instead, schedule a meeting in person with your boss and explain to them that you’re leaving. During the conversation, be as diplomatic as possible, even if things get heated. Keep it simple – your boss doesn’t need to know every detail as to why you’re quitting or about your new opportunity. But also be prepared to answer some questions they may have.

Step #2: Submit a formal resignation letter if you need to.

Some companies require that you put it in writing if you’re resigning. Find out whether your company policy mandates that. Ask your boss or HR. If you do have to write a letter, again keep it simple. Just let your employer know you’re moving on, when your last day will be, and also thank them for the opportunity they’ve given you at the company.

Step #3: Keep your emotions in check.

You might secretly dislike your boss or co-workers. But don’t communicate these details to anyone. Rather, if someone asks you why you’re leaving, just let them know you got an offer you couldn’t pass up.

Step #4: Be professional.

Don’t quit and leave the same day. Make sure you give your boss two weeks notice. If you don’t, you’ll come off as unprofessional. In addition, inquire as to how you can make the transition as smooth as possible. For instance, that might mean helping to train another staff member on your job, or documenting certain processes you take to complete work.

Quitting isn’t easy. But everyone does it at one point or another in their careers. Just make sure you follow the tips above so the process is as painless as possible and your reputation is kept in tact.

Are your ready to quit your current job and find a new opportunity? Call Future Force. As one of Dade County’s top employment agencies, we can give you the inside scoop on getting hired at some of the area’s leading companies. Contact us today if you’re ready to get started.