Kick Your Bad Body Language Habits in a Job Interview

Sure, hiring managers are listening to what you’re saying when you answer their questions in a job interview. But they’re also watching how you’re saying it.

In other words, even if you’re offering all the right answers, if you appear nervous, fidgeting, or lacking in confidence, then your name could get crossed off the list of potential hires right then and there.

So how do you know if you’ve got bad body language habits in a job interview? And if you do, what can be done about it?

To help you, here are a few areas to focus on:

  • Your Posture: Your posture is one of the first things a hiring manager will notice about you. If you’re slouching, you’re going to come off as weak and tired. Instead, stand erect; when you sit down across from the interviewer, maintain your good posture.
  • Your Handshake: Don’t let your nerves get the best of you with a weak, wimpy, or wet handshake. While your handshake doesn’t have to be bone-crushing, it should be firm and dry. To ensure your sweaty palms don’t make a bad impression, carry a handkerchief with you in your pocket or purse so you can dry your hands right before the interview.
  • Your Eye Contact: Are you looking the hiring manager firmly in the eye? Or are you averting your gaze and looking downward? If it’s the latter, then you’re sending a message that you’re intimidated. While you don’t need to maintain a fixed and constant stare with the hiring manager, do aim to make good eye contact during the initial handshake, as well as when you’re answering interview questions.
  • Your Demeanor: Don’t fidget with your hands, tap your toes, or shake your knees during a job interview. While it’s ok to use your hands to gesture or underscore a certain point, keep them folded in your lap during the rest of your interview. If you have a tendency to jiggle your foot or knee, be aware of it ahead of time and make an effort to be still.

Most people with bad body language don’t even know they’re displaying it. So if you’re not sure, one of the easiest ways to find out is to conduct a mock interview. Have a friend act as the interviewer and ask you a variety of questions. Record the exchange and watch it to see how you really come across in a job interview. You want to ensure your non-verbal cues aren’t negatively overshadowing what you’re saying.

And if you need more help with phone interviews than in-person ones, check out our blog post about How to Nail Your Next Phone Interview. Or give Future Force a call and set up an appointment with one of our employment specialists. They can help you create a strong resume, prepare for interviews – whether on the phone or in person, and connect you with jobs in Miami that are a great fit for you. Get started now!