How to Nip An Employee’s Bad Attitude in the Bud

As one of South Florida’s leading staffing firms, we know that a toxic attitude can have a dramatic impact on the workplace. It can quash creativity, lower morale, and make the entire atmosphere hostile. What’s more is that the longer it’s allowed to go on, the worse it will get.

Even if it comes from just one or two problem employees, negativity will infect your company like a disease, which is why it’s so important to nip it in the bud before it gets out of control. Here are some tips to help you.

Challenge the employee’s negative attitude.

If they’re always quick to criticize other people’s ideas, ask them what they would do instead. If they make derogatory remarks, reprimand them immediately.

Meet privately with the employee to discuss how their negative behavior is impacting their co-workers and the company.

They will likely get defensive, so have specific examples of the behavior that you would like to see changed. Also talk about the negative consequences that resulted from the employee’s behavior.

For instance:

The eye-rolling and snarky comments you kept making set the tone for Friday’s meeting. As a result, we weren’t able to get anything productive done and now we have to meet again.

Keep in mind, though, that you’re not going to change the employee’s personality.

Their pessimism is likely a trait deeply embedded within them. Instead, focus on the behaviors that are unacceptable.

Be sure to listen and keep an open mind.

Perhaps the employee is upset about a decision you’ve made and has a bad attitude as a result. While you probably won’t change your mind about your decision, at least the employee will feel like they are being heard.

Talk about the value that the employee does bring to the table.

Tell them about the things they do that you do appreciate; however, be firm about letting them know that their negative attitude is overshadowing their good work.

Employees thrive in positive feedback.

So in the future, if you do see the employee making strides, compliment them on it. Let them know you appreciate their effort and that you are taking notice.

If all your efforts to nip an employee’s bad attitude in the bud fail, then you may need to terminate their employment. Think of it this way. A bad attitude will eventually result in turnover. However, it may be a top-performing employee that leaves because they’re sick of a toxic co-worker and the fact that you’re not doing anything about the situation.

If you do let a problem employee go, and need some help replacing him or her, give us a call. As one of South Florida’s leading staffing firms, we can give you access to an extensive pool of talent, while also reducing the time, expense and aggravation associated with hiring.

Contact us today to learn more.

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