An Insider’s Guide to Turning Temping Into Full-Time Work

Everyday, millions of Americans go off to temporary jobs. If you’re one of them – and it’s not your ideal situation – there are steps you can take to get the most out of the experience and hopefully turn it into a full-time job:

Consider All Assignments

When you’re offered an open assignment that isn’t your dream job, don’t automatically turn it down. Look at the big picture instead.

Could you learn new skills on the assignment or get your foot in the door at a great employer? If the opportunity enables you to achieve your ultimate career goals, then it’s certainly worth considering.

Learn About the Company

Once you do accept an assignment, research the company and try to understand their history, their customers, and what they offer – so you have a better sense of how you fit in. For instance, if the company is facing a challenge in a certain area you have experience in, then be proactive once on assignment and suggest ideas for improvement.

Go Above and Beyond

Don’t look at a Dade County temp job as lesser than a full-time job. Go above and beyond to make yourself stand out to employers. The employer will be pleased if you simply get the work that’s assigned to you done. But if you go the extra mile and ask where else you can help – then you’ll be noticed and make them feel like they can’t live without you.

Show Some Enthusiasm

You might not be thrilled about temping, but don’t let that attitude shine through when you’re on assignment. Take a real interest in your work. Show up early, stay late and bring a positive attitude everyday.

Even if you get your work done well, if you’re miserable while on the job, the supervisor will certainly notice. Instead, challenge yourself each day. Anticipate the employer’s needs and proactively try to meet them before asked.

Ask Questions

There’s no such thing as a bad question. So don’t be afraid to ask as many as you need to ensure you understand what is expected of you and then perform your duties to the best of your ability.

Raise Your Visibility

Make a point to introduce yourself to others and learn about what they do. When you invest some effort in networking, it serves two purposes.

First, it gives you a better sense of the culture and what it’s really like to work there, which is important if you’re looking to land a full-time job. Secondly, when you start building relationships with people at the company, then there’s a good chance they will refer you when an opportunity does open up.

At the end of the day, if you want to turn temporary work into a permanent job, you need to be 100% reliable, deliver excellent work, and fit in with the company culture.

Need more help finding a job – whether temporary or full-time? Call Future Force. If you’re interested in learning more about temporary employment options, please contact Future Force Personnel today. We can place you on assignment in a Dade County temp job so you can earn a paycheck and, in the meantime, we can also assist you in your hunt for a full-time position.