Explaining Employment Gaps to Hiring Managers

Finding a new job in Miami isn’t always easy. But those gaps you have in your employment history can make the process even harder. How do you explain them during an interview, so they don’t work against you in the hiring process?

As a leading employment agency in Miami, Future Force has the answers you need. Here are 4 tips for talking about gaps, so they don’t sabotage your job search efforts:

Tip #1: Always be honest.

When it comes to employment gaps, you might be tempted to exaggerate the truth by extending out employment dates. But your background is easy enough for a hiring manager to verify and you don’t want to get caught in a lie. It’s therefore important that you’re totally honest about the gap and the reasons behind it.

Tip #2: Talk about what you did.

Did you take time off to care for small children? Decide to go back to school? Or navigate through months of unemployment after a layoff? Whatever the reason for your gap, talk about it and explain what you did during it.

So, if you also volunteered, took classes at a local community college, started driving for Uber, or joined a professional networking organization, then discuss these experiences and what you learned from them. Whatever you do, don’t walk into an interview with no explanation as to what you did during your time off from work.

Tip #3: Alleviate any concerns.

For instance, if you took six months off of work to take care of a sick family member, the hiring manager might applaud your commitment. But, at the same time, they’ll be concerned it could impact your ability to perform the job if hired. That’s why it’s important to alleviate those kinds of concerns. You can do so by saying:

“I left my last job to take care of my dad who’s suffering from dementia. I did it for several months and then my siblings and I decided it was time to bring in a full-time caregiver. So I know he’s in good hands and now I’m ready to return to the workforce and find a position that’s a good fit for me.”

Tip #4: Reiterate your interest in the position.

It’s important that you’re able to discuss the gap and how you spent your time. However, try not to focus too much of the interview on it. Instead, bring the conversation back to the job at hand and discuss how your background has prepared you for the role.

Whatever you do during your job search, stay positive. There might be some companies who aren’t interested in you due to a gap. However, if you’re able to explain it in a way that makes sense and talk about what an asset you could be to the team if hired, then you should be able to find that next great job that’s a match for you.

Need help with your search?

Connect with Future Force. As leading employment agency in Miami, we know which companies are hiring and how to get your foot in the door, all so you can land a rewarding new opportunity. Contact us today or search our Miami jobs now.