5 Common Workplace Stressors & How to Avoid Them

In today’s pandemic world, stress is the norm. While we can’t control everything that’s going on, there is good news. You can help your employees cope with it, feel healthier, and be more productive. Here are a few common sources of stress and tips on how to deal with them:

1. Workload.

When employees have too much on their schedules for too long of a period of time, it’s going to lead to burnout. Employees may have to work longer or harder to complete a certain project or task. However, this should not be a normal operating procedure.

If your people are constantly overloaded and overworked, then it’s time for a change. Reorganize and reprioritize their tasks, so they understand what is essential. Also, perhaps it’s time to bring in temporary help or hire more full-time employees.

2. Unclear expectations.

As a manager, it’s your job to be clear about goals and expectations for each employee. If you’re not, they’re not only going to be confused, but grow frustrated, stressed, and eventually disengaged over time.

It’s why communicating regularly and clearly about individual and team-wide goals is important. It’s also critical that you check in with your people to help keep them on track and address concerns or challenges before they escalate.

3. Changes in the organization.

If there’s a lot of change within your organization, people are going to feel uncertain and stressed. If there’s a restructuring occurring, for instance, it’s your job to keep your employees in the loop, so they understand why it’s happening and the long-term benefit of it. If you’re not organized and strategic about communicating about change, it will lead to chaos, stress, and a loss of trust.

4. Interpersonal conflicts.

If there are people on your team who don’t get along, it will cause stress and lead to a toxic workplace culture. Instead of letting the situation fester, address it immediately. Bring all parties involved into your office for a private conversation. Identify the cause of the conflict and work together to resolve it.

5. Unrealistic goals.

It’s important to be ambitious. However, don’t be unrealistic when it comes to your goals. Otherwise, you’re going to set your employees up to experience a lot of stress and potential failure.

Instead, before you set specific goals and timelines, bring your team into the conversation and decision-making process. They’ll often be able to offer you insight and details you might not have considered. When you do set goals and expectations, they’ll be more realistic, so your people can achieve them.

Need to reduce stress and add to your team?

At Future Force, we have the answer. If employees are overworked with no end in sight, it’s time to expand your staff. As one of Orlando, FL’s top staffing agencies, our recruiters can handle the hiring process for you, start to finish. We’ll source candidates, screen them carefully, and evaluate their references. You’ll get pre-qualified candidates who are an excellent match for you. Contact us today to get started.

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