9 Ways to Land a Promotion Faster

There’s no silver bullet or magic formula for landing a promotion. Trust us, if there were, we’d be the first to tell you. However, if you feel like you’ve been passed over for a promotion or you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder, there are some steps you can take to help you get ahead.

1. Record all of your accomplishments.

Start a journal where you write down all of your accomplishments – big or small – whether you landed a new client or you saved the company $150 with a new office supply vendor. Whatever it is, write it down. You can use your journal when you approach your boss for a promotion, or for your annual performance review.

2. Become the “go to” person.

Become the “go to” person for information on an important or up-and-coming issue at your company or in your industry. To develop your specialized knowledge, you may have take a class or participate in a training program. But the effort will be well worth it. When you become the “go to” person, you’ll be the one your boss or colleagues seek out for advice or to get something done – making you invaluable.

3. Be professional.

Build a reputation for being honest and reliable. Make “going the extra mile” your personal mantra. Be diplomatic, but also defend your ideas vigorously. Act professionally, and look professional too. Come in early and stay late if you need to. Always be prepared for meetings and don’t point the finger of blame when an issue arises. Don’t whine or get involved in petty office gossip.

4. Get a mentor.

A good relationship with your boss or someone higher up within the company can open a lot of doors for you. This person can help you enhance your knowledge base and develop new skills, and, if you impress them, they may even refer you for a promotion.

5. Impress your customers.

Obviously it’s important to impress the boss in order to land a promotion. But if you have direct contact with clients or customers, you must also impress them too. Positive feedback from customers will only serve to underscore your talent.

6. Volunteer to take on more.

Step up to the plate and volunteer to take on more tasks – whether your boss needs someone to head up a committee, organize a new project, or look into charitable giving opportunities. You’ll increase your visibility within the company, while also developing important connections.

7. Contribute your ideas.

If you see a problem coming down the pipeline, make a suggestion for how to prevent it. If you’ve thought of a good way for your company to increase sales, then let your voice be heard. Contributing ideas will get you noticed and shows your boss you’re thinking about the big picture.

8. Make your ambition known.

Tell your boss about your career goals and that you’d like a promotion. A good boss will give you feedback on how you can get ahead.

9. Look outside the company.

If there’s no room for growth with your current employer, then you’ll need to look outside the company for a Dade County job that better aligns with your career goals. If that’s the case, then please contact Future Force Personnel. As one of the leading employment firms in Dade County, we can offer you access to a variety of jobs you won’t find advertised anywhere else.

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