How to Deal When Work Dominates Your Life

In an economy where employees are constantly expected to do more with less, workplace issues can become the focal point of life, while everything else – including family – falls by the wayside. But as one of Miami’s top employment agencies, we know that “living to work” will eventually catch up with most people, leaving them frustrated and burned out. If you find yourself in that boat, here are some tips to help you ensure work doesn’t dominate your life any longer:

Don’t let technology become your enemy. 

Technology, from texting to email, can be both friend and foe when it comes to your life outside of work. It can keep you connected and enable you to get work done at home, but it can also interrupt your personal time and become a source of stress for you.

To avoid this, set some clear boundaries. For instance, commit to checking your email only after you’ve put your kids to bed; or, if there are no hot projects you’re working on, turn your cell phone off completely after hours. Also, keep in mind that when you always respond quickly to texts and emails at odd hours, you’re giving the impression you’re available at all times.

You deserve a break. 

Skipping lunch once in a while to finish up work is not a big deal. But skipping your lunch break altogether everyday could lead to bad eating habits (i.e. scarfing down candy bars from the vending machine) and added stress. Everyone needs a break throughout the workday; so be sure to take yours. You’ll likely be even more productive as a result because your mind will get the rest it needs and you’ll come back to your work re-energized.

Besides taking a lunch break, make sure to take a vacation too. Your office can survive for a few days without you. Just be sure to prepare your co-workers and hand off any hot projects ahead of time. And you don’t have to go anywhere fancy; just a few days at home can do wonders for your mental health.

Think about what you’re missing out on. 

When you stay late or work from home, it’s easy to get in the mindset that you’re getting more done. That may be true, but at what cost? For instance, if you’re checking your emails at 7 p.m., what are you missing out on? If it’s time with your children or spouse, ask yourself, “Do I really want to skip reading to my children tonight so I can read my emails instead?” The answer may surprise you. Those critically important emails may not seem so important after all.

And if you have a job that is dominating your life, no matter what steps you take to set boundaries, and you’re ready for a move, let us know. As one of Miami’s top employment agencies, we can give you access to plenty of hots jobs with the city’s top employers. Get started now!

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