Do You Value…or Undervalue Your Employees?

We’ve all heard the saying a million times: Employees are an organization’s most important asset. But if that’s true, why are they sometimes treated like second-class citizens?

And if you think poor treatment doesn’t happen often, think again. In fact, according to a 2010 Gallup poll, the top reason employees leave their jobs is because of a bad boss or immediate supervisor.

It makes sense, though. Everyone likes to feel appreciated and valued. But when an employee continuously performs well – and never gets any gratitude for it, or worse, gets berated by their boss – the experience can be frustrating and they could jump ship as a result. And, as one of South Florida’s top staffing agencies, we know that high turnover can harm a company in many ways, from gaps in talent to low morale.

So with that said, here are some tips to consider to help you ensure employees feel appreciated:

Ask employees if they feel valued.

This is probably the easiest step you can take toward improving your employee recognition efforts. By simply asking employees if they feel appreciated, you’ll not only show that you’re willing to make a change, but you’ll also get some honest insight and specific examples of when employees feel taken for granted.

Develop a culture of recognition.

Happy employees equal happy customers which results in a strong company. When your employees are happy (i.e. they feel valued), then they will go the extra mile to take care of your customers. But creating a culture of recognition is one of those steps that’s certainly harder than the first. It takes an investment of time and energy, as well as getting the entire management team to “buy into” the process for it to really make an impact.

Personalize your rewards.

Gold watches and paperweights are nice. But these impersonal gifts don’t really make employees feel all that appreciated. Rather, offer a reward that appeals to the actual individual, whether it’s a spa day, gift certificate to their favorite restaurant, or some other item you know they will enjoy. This way, not only will you really make them feel valued, but they’ll also feel more loyal to the company as a result.

Get in the habit of recognition.

Don’t just recognize employees once a year after performance reviews. Instead, get in the habit of recognizing employees everyday for all the small accomplishments they achieve on a daily basis. Just by saying “thank you” or “good job” on a regular basis will not only show your appreciation, but it will also motivate your employees to continue performing well.

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