The #1 Way to Screw Up a Job Interview

Let’s face it. There are a lot of ways you can mess up an interview. Some of the major ones include not showing up on time (or at all), dressing inappropriately (think ripped jeans and flip flops), and acting unprofessionally (chewing gum, looking at your watch, etc.).

As one of the leading employment agencies in Miami Lakes, we know that demonstrating these behaviors will likely turn off the interviewer in an instant. But besides these obvious errors, there is one common – and less apparent – mistake that even the best candidates make that can kill their chances of the job offer.

So what is it? Not asking any questions. That’s right. Doesn’t sound like such a big deal. But in fact, it is. Why? Because it shows the interviewer a few things about you. None of them good. Here’s a look:

  • You haven’t done your homework and researched the company or the job.
  • You’re not that interested in the company or the job.
  • You’re not an inquisitive person by nature.
  • You don’t have strong communication skills.
  • You don’t understand proper interview etiquette.

That said, don’t prepare a list of questions just to sound like you’re on top of your game. In order for you to really evaluate whether a Miami Lakes job is right for you, you need to ask questions that can provide you with the information you need.

To help you get started, here are some examples:

  • What’s the culture like?
  • Why do you like working here?
  • Is there a high rate of turnover?
  • What are company hours?
  • What’s an average day like for someone in this position?
  • Why is this position open? Is it new?
  • In which department would I be working in? How big is it?
  • How has the company performed over the last couple of years?
  • Where is the company headed in the near future?
  • What’s the next step in the hiring process?

Some questions to avoid asking during the first interview include those about salary and benefits, including paid time off and health insurance. It’s kind of like asking a first date when they plan on getting married and having kids. It scares them away. Also, don’t ask general or vague questions, like “what does your company do?,” that are easily answered in a 5-second Google search.

If you’d like some additional help preparing for your interviews, or finding new job leads, let us know. As one of the leading employment agencies in Miami Lakes, we can introduce you to the area’s best employers and top jobs. Get started now.

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