Should You Say Something if Someone at Work Dresses Inappropriately?

Whether it’s the receptionist who wears low cut tops or the IT guy who wears jeans with holes in them, we’ve all worked with someone who dresses…well…less than stellar. But, as one of the leading staffing agencies in Miami, we know that how people dress can actually have a big impact – either positive or negative – on their careers.

So if you a work with someone who dresses inappropriately, should you say something – or just keep your mouth shut?

The simple answer is: it depends.

There are a few things to consider before deciding on the proper course of action, including what your relationship is with the employee. For instance, if the employee in question is your subordinate, and they are regularly violating company dress code, then consider saying something, particularly if their clothing choices are distracting or offensive to other employees. Also, as one of Miami’s top staffing agencies, we can tell you that having an employee handbook with a clear dress code policy is always helpful in this kind of situation.

In addition, if the person is a co-worker whom you consider a friend, then you might want to say something, as well. If they’re a hard worker, but constantly getting passed over for promotions, it could be due to their bad wardrobe choices.

If you do decide to say something, be careful about your word choice. Remember, you want to help this person, not humiliate them. So don’t use words like “slob” or “cheap,” or you’ll risk offending the other person. Just try to be as diplomatic as possible.

On the other hand, if the employee who dresses inappropriately is nothing more than a co-worker whom you have a casual relationship with, then consider keeping your mouth shut. There’s no point in taking the risk that you’ll offend them and create negative feelings in the process.

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