Why You Need to Choose Wisely With Your Job References

You submitted a solid resume and performed well under pressure during the interview. Now the hiring manager wants to check your references. What exactly will they be looking for? When asking for references, most hiring managers want to know about:

  • An overview of your past job duties and tasks you were responsible for
  • Your strengths and weaknesses
  • Verification of your job titles and length of employment
  • Any achievements or accomplishments to take into consideration

As one of the leading employment agencies in Miami, Future Force knows that most hiring managers don’t check references on all candidates; it’s simply too time consuming. So if you’re asked to provide a reference list, then you’ve probably made it into the last round of the hiring process.

But keep in mind, the references you give can distinguish you from the other candidates – and be the final deciding factor into who gets the job. Here are a few tips for submitting the best ones:

Submit mostly managers.

When you’re offering a list of references, make sure the majority is made up of past bosses. Why? Because hiring managers want to know details from your past supervisors about your performance and progress on the job. A peer can’t really offer that kind of big picture information.

That means if you submit a reference list full of co-workers, rather than managers, it’s going to send a red flag to the hiring manager. You have a lot more co-workers than past supervisors and so it’s easy to cherry pick those that will offer glowing reviews. Not true for managers. That’s why they carry so much more weight.

Ask your references for permission ahead of time.

Before you submit a list of references, talk to each one ahead of time and ask their permission. Also, make sure you tell them about the position you’re interviewing for and the name of the hiring manager who will be calling them. If you don’t prepare them and they get a call out of the blue, they may not be able to truly speak out on your behalf in the best way possible.

Thank your references.

Whether you get the job or not, be sure to thank your references. Keep in mind, if you’re still searching for a new job, you may need to call on them again. So it’s important to show them your gratitude for helping you out.

Do you need more help finding your next job in Miami? Call the employment experts at Future Force. As one of the leading employment agencies in Miami, we can help you find job opportunities that are the right fit for you so you can take the next step in your career. Contact us today to learn more.