How to Turn Employee Retention from a Weakness to a Strength

future force improve employee retention

How long do most people stay on the job? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it’s around 4.2 years. Depending on your industry, you could be seeing employees turn over much more frequently than that. Considering what’s invested to recruit, hire, train and support employees, it pays to support your business by keeping the people who help you find success.

What can you do to improve retention and turn it from a potential liability into a strength? Here are a few best practices from Future Force, one of Miami’s top temporary hiring agencies, to implement.

Know your numbers.

If you’re just guessing at what your retention numbers are, you won’t be able to measure and improve them. That’s why it’s important to work with managers and find out who’s leaving and why, as well as whether your organization’s level of turnover is in line with the rest of your industry.

Better train managers.

It’s been said time and again that employees don’t quit companies, but rather they leave because of bad managers. It’s vital that your front-line managers are well-trained in not only the technical aspects of their role, but the interpersonal ones, too. They need to understand how to properly motivate people, manage conflict and create the kind of healthy office environment your employees want to come to every day.

Evaluate how you hire.

If you’re hiring those with the right skills, but the wrong personalities for your team, it’s going to impact retention and turnover. Instead, focus on evaluating both hard skills and those softer ones, as well – behavioral traits, attitudes and habits – so you can find candidates who best match the position and your company’s culture.

Create the kind of culture where people want to stay.

This starts with pay and benefits, and ensuring these are competitive. But you need to go beyond money to offering other perks, like scheduling flexibility, resources for creating work-life balance, opportunities for training, education and career advancement, and more.

When you become a great place to work, people don’t want to leave. Not only that, but as a company, you’re going to reap plenty of rewards, including:

  • Lower costs when it comes to hiring and onboarding
  • Better morale among a team that has more extensive experience working together
  • Dedicated ambassadors who can effectively promote your company
  • More stability and improved productivity as a result
  • A better customer experience thanks to a consistent workforce
  • A stronger employment brand that enables you to attract higher quality people

Clearly, retention plays a critical role in the health and success of your organization. If you need help filling the talent gap while you recruit, hire and retain employees, connect with Future Force. We’re one of Miami leading temporary hiring agencies and can give you access to qualified and reliable people, where and when you need them for a variety of positions. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more.


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