What Soft Skills Are You Looking for in Candidates?

When you’re looking to hire, you must assess technical skills. However, don’t forget about soft skills either. These impact how well a new employee will interact with the existing team and whether they’ll be a fit for the culture overall. Some that are especially important to focus on during the interviewing process include:

#1: Communication.

Whatever job you’re hiring for, being able to communicate clearly, both in writing and when speaking, is essential. The most successful workers are often the ones who excel in communication. So make sure this is a skill you look for and assess while you’re searching for your next new hire. Evaluate how they answer questions, their body language, the quality of their written communication in texts and emails, and any other points of communication you have with them.

#2: A good attitude.

In today’s challenging times, having a good attitude is more important than ever. Even in the best of times, a negative employee can bring the whole team down. Now, as the company’s face unprecedented obstacles, it’s imperative you hire people who can find the silver lining, come to work ready to collaborate, and strive to create a workplace with healthy morale.

#3: Teamwork.

Working together builds a stronger team. It’s therefore important to hire those who are willing to listen, negotiate, compromise, and hear others out, all without criticizing. This will lead to a more collaborative staff and less strife in the workplace overall.

#4: Work ethic.

You need to hire someone willing to go the extra mile for your company and work diligently to complete each task, large or small. The best way to measure a candidate’s work ethic is by checking their references. Talking to those who have first-hand experience with your candidate will give you insight into how reliable they are and how hard they work.

#5: Professionalism.

It’s essential that every employee approaches their job with a level of professionalism, whether they’re just starting out in their careers or are at the senior level. This includes showing up on time, being prepared, treating everyone with respect, and promptly returning phone calls and emails. You’ll be able to tell throughout the hiring process which candidates are professional and which have some work to do.

#6: Problem-solving abilities.

Regardless of the position, you’re hiring for, solving problems is going to be part of the role. You need someone who stays calm under pressure and can step back, assess the situation, and identify a positive resolution to it. To evaluate for this skill, ask a behavioral-based question about a time an employee had to solve a serious problem at work.

There are many different ways you can assess these and other skills. If, however, you’d prefer to hand off the job to experts, let Future Force help. As one of the area’s leading temp-to-hire staffing services, we have the experienced team, processes, and technology in place to find candidates who are an ideal fit. Contact us today to get started.

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