Start Saying “Yes” to Yourself and “No” to Self-Doubt

Start Saying "Yes" to Yourself and "No" to Self-Doubt | Future Force

Whether you want to ask for a raise or promotion or move into a new direction with a different job, it can be hard to get outside your own head. If you’re like many people, you start to think about everything that could go wrong and why you should just stay where you are.

Self-doubt plagues everyone; however, some more than others. For instance, when it comes to “imposter syndrome,” more women and minorities tend to feel it. This is when, despite your successes, you feel like a fraud and that you’re lacking in some way. This, in turn, can sabotage your courage and your ability to go after meaningful new opportunities.

However, if you don’t say “no” to this kind of thinking, then you’re not going to get ahead in your career and your life. So how can you stop your negative thinking and start making positive changes in your career and life? Here are some tips to keep in mind:

How To Get Rid of Self-Doubt In The Workplace

Focus on your past achievements.

It’s easy to run that one negative comment a past boss or co-worker said to you over and over again in your head. Instead, focus on the many successes you’ve achieved. Think about all the projects you’ve completed, the customers you’ve made happy, and the compliments you’ve received over the years about your work ethic and your abilities. Reflect on concrete achievements and remind yourself that things have gone right more often than wrong.

Don’t compare yourself to others.

It’s easy to look at someone you graduated high school or college with and compare yourself. If they seem to be further ahead than you in their career or life, it can feel demoralizing.

However, don’t compare yourself. Everyone is on a different journey and you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes in that person’s life to get where they are. For instance, perhaps they’ve made personal sacrifices at home in order to advance their career. Regardless, it’s important to focus on your own path and not where others are going.

Surround yourself with supportive people.

If you have friends and family who constantly focus on the negative, then limit your time with them. Instead, spend more time with those who are supportive and encouraging. Their positive attitude will rub off on you and you’ll start to see just what you’re capable of when someone you care about believes in you. They can also remind you how talented you are, even when you’re not feeling that way.

Be compassionate with yourself.

You are your own worst critic. You would never talk to a friend or family member the way you talk to yourself. Keep that in mind and practice self-compassion when you feel your thoughts going down a negative path. Treat yourself with kindness and try to avoid criticizing too much. While it’s important to understand past mistakes and learn and grow from them, there’s no reason to wallow in them.

Need help saying “yes” to some changes in your career?

At Future Force, we’re one of Orlando’s leading temporary hiring agencies, filling roles from temporary and temp-to-hire to full-time, permanent positions. We’ll take time to learn about your skills and background, so we can connect you with a great opportunity. You’ll be able to take that next step in your career with confidence and kick self-doubt to the curb. Contact us today to learn more.

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