Avoid These Phrases on Your Resume

Your resume is your first step toward finding a new job. The good news is that a strong one can help you stand out to a hiring manager, so you get called for an interview. The bad news is that you only have a few seconds to make it happen before they move onto reviewing… Read More »

Are You Making These Amateur Mistakes on Your Resume?

Your resume gives a hiring manager the very first glimpse into who you are as a candidate. And if yours isn’t sending a professional message, defining your strengths and communicating your accomplishments, then it’s not telling hiring managers what they want to know. How can you improve yours? Here are some mistakes to avoid: Sending… Read More »

Why You Should Never Lie on Your Resume

The numbers are in and it doesn’t look good. According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, 38% of job seekers admit to embellishing their job responsibilities on their resumes. And that’s the ones who admitted it! Just imagine what the real number would be if everyone came clean. Candidates lie…and hiring managers know it. As one… Read More »