6 Tips to Conducting Better Employee Reviews

As a South Florida staffing agency, we know that employee reviews have a way of creating great anxiety for both employers and employees. Many managers secretly dread these meetings and tend to rush through reviews just to get them over with. And employees are all to happy to have their performance reviews completed as quickly and painlessly as possible.

But conducting hasty reviews isn’t really fair to your employees or your South Florida company. Even if an employee is performing well, you’re sending a message that you don’t really care. And if an employee is performing poorly, you’re not giving them the input they need to get back on track.

So what can you do to make employee reviews more effective and less painful? Here are 6 tips:

1. Create files for each employee.

One of the reasons employee reviews can be challenging is because it’s hard to remember all of the ups and downs an employee had over the course of the year. You can overcome this issue by creating a performance review file for each employee. In the file, include any feedback from customers, clients and co-workers; copies of their work (good and bad); and notes to yourself so you remember specifics when it comes time to conduct the review. While creating these files may take some extra time on your part, it’s well worth it because you’ll be able to offer more constructive input based on specific examples.

2. Develop an evaluation form.

The evaluation form your South Florida company uses should encompass a number of topics, including accomplishments, setbacks, and future goals. It should specifically ask employees which areas they feel they’ve performed well in and which areas need some improvements. Most employees are fully aware of their strengths and weaknesses and this form gives you a convenient way to open the door to a conversation about them.

Also, hand out the evaluation forms at least a week ahead of the scheduled performance reviews so your employees have time to properly prepare.

3. Get feedback from others.

If appropriate, you might also want to ask other employees, supervisors, or customers for feedback on an employee’s performance. Doing so can prove useful if you’re dealing with an employee who has performance issues. By getting feedback from others, you’ll be able to gather specific examples of performance issues.

4. Start the meeting with some small talk.

You want your employees to be relaxed and open during the review, not on edge or feeling pressured. So start the review off with some small talk to break the ice. Ask them about their families, their hobbies, or other personal details you’ve learned about them.

Another way to ease into a performance review is to start off with a positive. Tell the employee how much you value their contribution and what role you see them playing in the future of the company.

5. Be specific.

Unfortunately, not all aspects of performance reviews are positive. There are times when you have to offer constructive criticism. When you do, be as specific as possible. Tell the employee the issue you are having with their performance. For instance, instead of saying: “your productivity isn’t up to par,” consider saying: “you’re late to work most mornings and your productivity is suffering as a result.”

Also, before you end the review, make sure both you and the employee are on the same page in terms of what went well – and what didn’t – over the past year. Agree on a specific plan of action to help correct the areas that need improvement, while maintaining the positive performance.

6. Schedule regular reviews.

Implement a policy at your South Florida company for conducting performance reviews at the end of each year. Your employees will then know to expect them and can prepare for them throughout the year by creating their own performance files.

And if your company needs help finding top-performing talent, please contact Future Force Personnel. Since 1992, our South Florida staffing agency has helped thousands of clients find qualified and reliable talent on a short-term, seasonal, and full-time basis. Contact us today to learn more.

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