4 Signs You’ve Hired the Right Candidate

When it comes to your final hiring decision, it doesn’t always work out. In some cases, the candidate you ultimately chose didn’t fit with the culture, the role, or some other aspect of the opportunity.

The good news is that in most instances, a new hire hits the ground running and can become a positive and valued member of the team. How can you tell that’s true for your new employee? Here are four signs to look for:

Sign #1: They’re informed.

Your new hire comes to meetings prepared and with opinions and ideas based on facts and research. When you go to them with questions, they have answers. They also stay up-to-date on industry news and trends by reading publications, networking actively, and getting involved with new learning opportunities.

Sign #2: They’re eager and enthusiastic.

Beyond being knowledgeable, they’re also genuinely excited and enthusiastic about the job. They contribute in a positive way to the energy on the entire staff and are encouraging team players. They’re not threatened by others’ ideas and opinions and instead welcome all perspectives at the table. They work well with others and strive to build healthy relationships with colleagues.

Sign #3: They’re honest.

If they’ve made a mistake or aren’t certain about something, they’re honest and upfront about it. They’re wise enough to know that they don’t have all the answers and sometimes need to seek outside help to get the job done correctly. They know their strengths and weaknesses and are therefore willing and open to bringing in others to the conversation to enhance the team or the project. They’re self-aware without being arrogant or boastful.

Sign #4: They communicate openly and regularly.

They place a big emphasis on communication, especially in those first few days and weeks on the job. They come to you with questions and concerns, or if they have an idea or opinion to share. They know that the faster an issue is resolved, the better. They’re also confident in their abilities, yet open to taking and incorporating feedback.

Need help finding your next great hire you can feel good about?

Future Force is here for you. Since 1992, we’ve been one of the leading staffing agencies in Orlando, FL, and can source top talent, screen and vet them, and provide those positive team players who can make a big impact at your company. Contact us today to get started!

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