Strategy #2: Offer training, development and new opportunities.

Give employees a chance to learn and grow with the company. Offer training programs, mentoring opportunities, stretch assignments, and internal promotions. Help employees to gain new skills by coaching them. Support them if they are facing obstacles or challenges on the job. The more you are investing in your people, the more likely they will remain loyal to your company.

Strategy #3: Identify employees with growth potential.

These are the next generation of leaders at your company. Make sure they have access to the kinds of professional development resources that help them to up-skill and learn to manage people and lead a team.

Provide them with practice opportunities and learning assignments where they have to take risks and step outside their comfort zones. Allow them to put their skills to the test, so they can gain more confidence in their leadership abilities.

Strategy #4: Offer feedback and input beyond annual performance reviews.

Make sure employees know where they stand. Offer them the good, the bad, and the ugly, so they can work on weaknesses and continue to advance strengths. Also, develop career goals together that employees can work toward. Develop a plan for improvement that allows them to grow and develop new skills, while enabling you to measure their performance.

Strategy #5: Communicate openly and often.

Don’t have a closed door policy. Instead, make sure you are a familiar face, walking the office, stopping to talk with employees, and communicating with them regularly about company goals, performance, and challenges. This creates more trust and forges a bond between you and your people, one they will be less likely to walk away from.

Need more help with hiring and retention efforts?

At Future Force, we’re a leading staffing agency serving Orlando, FL. We can work with you to enhance your hiring and retention efforts, so your company is more successful. Contact us today to get started.
