It’s no surprise that more and more reports are finding that Americans are stressed, especially at work. This can threaten health and well-being, as well as company productivity. How can you deal with this all-too-common issue and cut stress in your life and your career? Here are a few strategies to put to use to help you better cope.
How Can You Deal with Work-Related Stress and Burnout?
Create a healthier morning routine – and stick to it.
Rather than hitting the snooze button 10 times, then rushing around for the rest of the morning, take a different approach. Commit to waking up a few minutes earlier, giving yourself time to have a healthy breakfast, and enough wiggle room to get to work on time, even in traffic. You won’t arrive stressed and angry. Instead, you will start your day in a calm, peaceful mood.
Set reasonable expectations for your day.
Every morning, review your to-do’s and prioritize a list of what you need to get done. By putting it in writing, it makes it less stressful and easier to manage. At the same time, you have clear-cut goals for the day, which can make you feel more in control. If you notice your tasks are piling up and your boss keeps giving you more, it’s a good time to discuss with them your own expectations and the potential burnout you’re facing.
Keep your space organized.
If you have a messy office or a cluttered desk, it can cause stress without you even realizing it. However, when you’re more organized, it’s easier to find what you need, get work done, and generally remain in a calmer, happier mood. So try to de-clutter as often as possible and stay organized, so you can work more efficiently each day.
Skip the gossip and office drama.
This can also lead to stress and anxiety during the day. It’s best, instead, to rise above it and avoid talking about co-workers behind their backs, gossiping about your boss, or regularly engaging in conflict with colleagues. Steer clear of sticky subject matters, like politics, when talking to co-workers and instead aim for productive relationships with them.
Take breaks and step outside whenever you can.
Don’t skip breaks or lunch. Make sure you are taking time out each day to recharge. Whenever you can, step outside and talk a walk. This can help you feel more energized when you get back into the office, while helping you blow off steam, and combat stress and anxiety.
Is it time for a new job that’s less stressful?
If your career is causing you burnout and you’re ready for a change, turn to Future Force. We’re one of Orlando’s leading temporary hiring agencies and can work with you to find your next full-time, part-time, temporary or contract job. Contact us today to get started.