Keep Your Team Happy, Engaged & Motivated

In the words of Sir Richard Branson: “I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers.” And not only will employee happiness reflect in customer service, but also in overall business success, as well.

That said, with so many different personalities among staff members along with endless day-to-day business challenges, it can be hard to focus on employee happiness. Where do you even begin?

To help you in the process, here are 6 steps to consider:

Step 1. Keep your team ‘in the know.’

As one of Dade County’s top staffing agencies, Future Force knows employees can’t be happy or successful if they don’t know where you’re going – and how they’re supposed to follow you. That’s why it’s important to define your vision and mission and provide a roadmap for your people.

Beyond that, it’s critically important to make sure your employees have the right tools, resources and support to do their jobs optimally. And it’s up to you to check in with them regularly to find out how they’re faring.

Step 2. Get employee buy-in.

When staff are always just told what to do – rather than asked to give ideas and feedback – they’ll get disengaged after a while. Instead, get employees involved in the decision making process. Ask for their insight and opinions. And encourage them to voice their ideas and thoughts.

That way, they’ll be more personally vested in company success, as well as feel more empowered, engaged and motivated.

Step 3. Give a lot of feedback.

You should be giving your employees feedback every week, not simply at the end of the year during performance reviews. It’s important everyone knows where they stand so they can correct course if needed. So provide plenty of praise and positive feedback, as well as constructive remarks, as well.

Step 4. Create a culture of respect and fairness.

If you want your employees to be happy and performing at their best, then you need to treat them all with respect. It’s also important to have the same set of rules for everyone. When an issue arises, take the time to deal with them calmly, understand the context and both sides, and only then make a move.

If you make a mistake, apologize for it immediately. Your employees don’t expect perfection. But they do expect honesty and transparency.

Step 5. Incentivize staff.

A rewards program is a great way to motivate your employees. When employees know they’ll be recognized and rewarded for reaching certain milestones, they’ll work harder and strive to deliver higher quality results.

Step 6. Infuse some fun into the daily grind.

People are happier, and more loyal and productive when they actually enjoy going to work each day. So look for ways to infuse some fun and creativity into the office. Have a meeting in a nearby park. Or host a lunch for your staff, catered by a trendy food truck. However you do it, just aim to balance work with some fun.

Need help hiring engaged and motivated people for your team? Look no further than Future Force. As one of Dade County’s top staffing agencies, we can help by providing you with fast access to the high quality employees you need.

Contact us today to learn more.